How to Lower Blood Pressure Fast Without Medications

If your blood pressure is above 140/90 mmHg, then you most likely suffer from a condition called hypertension. This condition can be treated both with medication or naturally. However, the natural way will not cause any negative side effects. Hypertension is very common and many people worldwide suffer from it. Moreover, this condition can appear … Read more

The Best Herbal Remedies For Kidney Stones

One of the most common conditions that people face is kidney stones, and although they can sometimes be annoying and very painful, there is an easy natural way of disposing them out of your body using natural remedies. Kidney stones occur as a result of the kidneys not processing the toxins properly, resulting in crystallization … Read more

Japan Has a 66% Lower Breast Cancer Rate Than The U.S. – This Is The Nutrient Missing From Our Diet

Breast cancer can be prevented, and it’s important that you eat healthy, exercise regularly, avoid stressful situations and environmental toxins. Some researchers believe that mammograms can help you prevent breast cancer. But, the radiation emitted from mammograms triggers the development of breast cancer cells. In other words, instead of preventing cancer, mammograms often lead to … Read more

3 Natural Remedies For Swollen Ankles and Feet

Edema or also known as swelling is an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tissues of the body. There are several factors which can cause swelling including pregnancy, high blood pressure, and kidney problems. Although edema can affect any part of the body, it is most commonly manifested in the feet, ankles, legs, arms, and … Read more