How to Lower Blood Pressure Fast Without Medications

If your blood pressure is above 140/90 mmHg, then you most likely suffer from a condition called hypertension. This condition can be treated both with medication or naturally.

However, the natural way will not cause any negative side effects. Hypertension is very common and many people worldwide suffer from it. Moreover, this condition can appear without causing any signs and symptoms. This way it can be prolonged and can trigger



In most cases the results can be insomnia, dizziness, leg cramps, pain, abnormal heart rates and in some situations even death.

If you are willing to bring your health to a whole different level and avoid any drugs and medications, there is a natural approach to this problem.

Method 1: Using lemon juice


You will only need lemon and some water to make the famous lemon juice. Simply squeeze the lemon into the glass of water.

One lemon is enough. Consume it every day in the morning, before breakfast. If for some reason you don’t consume it at that particular time, drink it any time of the day.


This simple technique is so effective because lemons have some necessary properties for keeping us healthy. They help with the hydrations, vitamins intake, relaxing blood vessels and protection of vessel walls and high blood pressure. Furthermore, lemons are a natural source of potassium and natural redactor of sodium in the body.


Method 2: Using garlic

One of the healthiest foods in our cuisine is the legendary garlic. It contains sulfur compounds, such as diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide and allicin. They are extremely beneficial when it comes to regulating blood pressure and cholesterol. These compounds act as a natural stimulator of the production of nitric oxide.
Consume 2 cloves per day. It is best if you consume it raw.


Method 3: Using ACV and baking soda

For the next method, you will need 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (ACV), 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda and water. Mix both ingredients in the water and drink it.


ACV is abundant of magnesium, potassium, calcium and other healthy minerals and other nutrients needed for artery wall protection. The baking soda regulates the pH levels and the blood pressure.
Consume this mixture 2 times a day.


Method 4: Using bananas

Bananas contain big amounts of potassium and they regulate the sodium levels. They are very useful when it comes to normalizing the blood pressure. 2 bananas per day are enough for maintaining health and well-being.



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