Woman Stocks Up on Thrift Store Casserole Dishes to Donate Along with Dinner to Needy

Vintage casserole dishes are often cheaper than disposable and you don’t have to worry about getting your dish back

Ever signed up for a meal train for an injured friend or family with a new baby and not known exactly what to deliver dinner in?

An unidentified woman’s brilliant solution is going viral on social media – stock up on vintage casserole dishes whenever you see them at thrift stores or garage sales.

They’re much sturdier than disposable casserole tins, and often cost even less!

And best of all, they can be reused again and again. If the receiver already has too many casserole dishes he can pay it forward when it’s his time to be the giver.

Source:  https://returntonow.net/2021/09/21/woman-stocks-up-on-thrift-store-casserole-dishes-to-donate-along-with-dinner-to-needy/